Take Action And Learn How To Manage Metabolic Syndrome

There is nothing more shocking than to be diagnosed with something you have never heard of. I’m sure you’re aware of some common ones: diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease. The list goes on. I recently have been making some life changes and was considering changing clinics. Not because of service, but location. I asked … Read more

Stop an uprising from keeping others in the dark. Make your Communication Transparent to Build Trust.

Not fully communicating with others can cause problems. It causes some to feel like they are being kept in the dark and makes them suspicious. Sometimes this is done through an oversight. Other times it is from attempting to protect people from bad news. In addition, there are those who put so much energy into … Read more

“What are you talking about?” Stop frustration by clarifying your message.

Most people want to communicate well. I don’t think anyone goes into a conversation saying, “I want to totally frustrate Joe.” Especially if they are talking to Joe. 😉 So why is it that this frustration is so common? The most likely problem is “busyness.” We all have a lot to do and are looking … Read more

If Your Method for Communication is like playing Chess, How would you rate it? Poor or Productive?


Communication takes two parties: the sender and the receiver. The sender gives the message. The receiver gets the message. Only when both parties come to the same understanding does communication really happen. You would think that would be so simple… It’s not. In the title question, your answer will depend on your outlook. If your … Read more

How Would You Describe Your Everyday Communication – Clear or Cluttered?

Communication is how people understand one another. It is how we express ideas and feelings with one another. Communication involves the spoken words and the tone of voice we use while speaking. It also includes body language. How are we posturing, what are the facial expressions we display? The problem is that many times communication … Read more